Mirza. Zabiullah Baig/ ميرزا زابيوالله بايج
He completed his Diploma in physiotherapy at Frobels Vocational Junior College and his Bachelor of physiotherapy at Deccan College of Medical Science. He has 4 years experience in Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation. As a physiotherapist its my responsibility to deal with a patient in a positive way as there are in need of psychological support. We have to deal with many conditions like NEUROLOGICAL conditions such as stroke ,cerebral palsy.., ORTRHO conditions such as fracture ,road traffic accidents, SPORTS INJURY such as ligaments injury…etc
I started my career as a assistant physiotherapist were I have to deal with all sort of conditions and its very important to take a proper assessment before starting the treatment. ( for example : BACK PAIN : It may be due to many reasons such as bad posture , sport injury , RTA , Muscular pain..etc ) So to make a patient to return in his normal life proper assessment plays an important role. Psychological support to the patient is very important from the physiotherapist and most important from the family members. PROUD TO BE AN PHYSIOTHERAPIST BECAUSE OF OUR EFFORT WE CAN MAKE A PATIENT TO RETURN IN HIS NORMAL LIFE WHICH IS A GREAT SUCCESS FOR US
أكمل دبلومه في العلاج الطبيعي بكلية جونيور المهنية Frobels وبكالوريوس في العلاج الطبيعي في كلية ديكان للعلوم الطبية.
لديه خبرة 4 سنوات في العلاج الطبيعي وإعادة التأهيل. بصفتي أخصائي علاج طبيعي ، فإن مسؤوليتي هي أن أتعامل مع المريض بطريقة إيجابية لأن هناك حاجة إلى الدعم النفسي. يتعين علينا التعامل مع العديد من الحالات مثل الأمراض العصبية مثل السكتة الدماغية ، والشلل الدماغي .. ، وظروف ORTRHO مثل الكسر ، وحوادث المرور ، والإصابات الرياضية مثل إصابة الأربطة ... إلخ.